miss understanding
Hello how r u all my friend
Classic desktop phone http://gbx3.hexat.com
plz con. Me 8685086011
me bhiwani
chut chahia mera land pyasa h
I dont know what do u talking about... but i wanna say hi for u... may be we could be a friend???
Apakah ini?
Kya" tlfn rumah or fax dechhh ky" nya ni pak... slam knal y...
miss understanding
Hello how r u all my friend
Classic desktop phone
plz con. Me 8685086011
me bhiwani
chut chahia mera land pyasa h
I dont know what do u talking about... but i wanna say hi for u...
may be we could be a friend???
Apakah ini?
Kya" tlfn rumah or fax dechhh ky" nya ni pak... slam knal y...